Structured Rehabilitation that helps participants learn healthy behaviors
Expert Guidance from a professional team of therapists
Individualized treatment plans for each unique participant
Peer support from an engaging community
Holistic approach that focuses on underlying causes
How My Aunties' House Helps Our Community
Breaking the Cycle
Preventing Future Victims
Strengthening Families
Supporting Survivors
Resource Allocation
Community Safety
Collaborative Efforts
Breaking Stereotypes
Empowering Women
How You Can Get Involved
Messaging support for the program – “Not in my backyard” concerns from neighbors, local businesses, stakeholders, etc.
Come to our Ribbon Cutting, Town Halls, and other events.
Give us an opportunity to train your staff for potential calls of concern.
Let us present to law enforcement about the benefits and expectations.
Help us find flexible funding for Room and Board.
Volunteer to teach a skill to residents.
Connect our residents with employers who want to work with them.
Be part of bettering your community
To stop violence in families
To end the intergenerational cycle of violence
To keep families in their homes after tragedy, reduce burden on shelters, reduce houselessness for families
Nearly half of all homicides in Utah happen in families, and we have big families
High financial cost of violence on tax payers
This program goes for the roots of family violence
Domestic Violence is the direct cause of homelessness for many women and children
The current ways we handle the problem are over extended or not effective
Victims want to stay in their homes and “just want the violence to stop”.
Data from the Lethality Assessment Protocol screenings show that out of more than 4,500 victims screened, less than 750 chose to go to an emergency shelter.
This is the first of its kind in the United States, and the first anywhere outside of Israel.
Has been called “a reverse DV shelter” program, though it’s more than that, it’s a Whole Family approach.
8-10 men per house, estimated 4-6 month stay to establish safety and complete treatment goals.
Prevents murders and homelessness.
Focuses on helping aggressive men learn how to be kind partners and fathers.
Removes the violence from the home so that the family can begin to heal.
Keeps children in their environment and supports making healthy changes to end violence.
Empowers the partner to make changes that keep the family in peace.
Requires men to look after their family obligations, including paying child support, family financial support, and household bills.
Provides supportive services, safety planning & assessment for the family at home, whether they choose to reunify or end the relationship safely once the aggressive man has completed his intervention goals.
Works with the community to make us all safer.
Reduces costs to taxpayers.
Works with law enforcement, with a receiving center for emergency safety and eligibility assessment.
Messaging support for the program – “Not in my backyard” concerns from neighbors, local businesses, stakeholders, etc.
Your presence at out Ribbon Cutting, Town Halls
Opportunity to train SLC staff for potential calls of concern
Opportunity to present to law enforcement about the benefits and expectations
Flexible funding for Room and Board
Volunteering to teach a skill
Private donor has provided a house for the pilot program.
Cost per residen: approx. $3,650/month, room, board, & intervention programming.
We have a service funding deficit; insurance will not cover domestic violence offender services.
ACH founders, Martha Burkett Fallis & Jana C. Fulmer, worked directly with the Israeli Beit Noam founder, Hannah Rosenberg, to design the program for Utah’s needs.
Martha and Jana have lived in Utah for over 20 years, and have over 30 years combined experience in the field of Domestic Violence and Trauma.
Our founders train all over DV therapists in Utah since 2015, if you’ve been trained to work with DV in Utah in the last 9 years, you’ve met us.
They have strong relationships with stakeholders and partners in the community.
They serve on the Utah DV Offender Treatment Board, Utah Domestic Violence Coalitions Board of Directors, Utah Association for DV Treatment leadership
Our board of directors includes researchers, hostage negotiators, law enforcement, advocates, therapists, and professors, specializing in interpersonal violence.